Got this shot a few weeks back at the local coffeeshop I frequent on the town square. I have been documenting life on the square for about the last decade even putting together a self-published book (Pairs on the Square) on I have so many images from the coffeeshop I should probably do a book on just that business. Maybe I should approach the relatively new owners about getting some more intimate photos of their employees....
Anywho, what I like about this image is mainly that the subject is so close, well within someone's "personal space". It also gives me an idea of the capabilities of my gear that I acquire this year - a Fuji X-Pro2 and a Fuji XF 35mm f2 lens. I had been searching for a while for a weather resistant pairing and this gear does that in spades. I look forward to getting as comfortable with this gear as I was with my Nikon D2H.
But as I got to thinking about posting to this blog and to my flickr stream, I asked myself a question. Do I really want to continue posting to flickr?
I have decided no. This will be the only place I will post images in the future even though I will still take the occasional glance at some of the people I have followed there for the last several years.
It is okay that no one will be visiting this site as I post mainly just to see my images out there in "cyperspace". I maintain no illusions that my work is any better or, in most cases, any different than most documentary photographers. Just trying to leave a legacy to my family about what I saw.
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