Thought I would take a break from the smooth jazz artists and post something a "little" more recent, i.e., 2017.

I was attending a poetry reading (at the behest of my wife and her writes group) and just looked around for something interested to shoot. If memory serves, this was with a Fuji X100S. I saw it as a possible for the "Pairs" project I was working on down on our town square just up the street.

This could very well be my last post as my heart failure problems seem to be advancing. After spending 6 days in the hospital at the beginning of the month and getting 19 pounds of fluid off my heart and the rest of my body, I had hoped I was on the road to recovery. But a procedure (VT Ablation) that I had done in March 2021 seems to have done more damage than expected in my case. But the decision was made and, at the time, I thought it was a good one. However, the trauma to my heart as a result really did me in. If you or anyone you know are thinking about this procedure get a second opinion before doing the procedure.


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