Taken several years back (still not getting out much), I was down near the town square photographing a festival. BUT this time I broke out my dad's old Yashica Electro35 GS fixed lens rangefinder and loaded it with Tri-X, my favorite b&w film. I later developed it with HC-110 developer, dilution B normally.

What I like about this image is the eye contact with the toddler in his stroller. I know I missed the focus slightly because I was focused a little deeper and he came into the image just as I was pressing the shutter. The shutter button on the GS has a fairly long push to actuate the leaf shutter. But I thought the focus was close enough.

I was even stopped once by a lady who saw me and asked if my camera was a "Leica"! It surprised me a little bit as the Yashica is larger than any Leica I know of.


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