The wife had to go and have blood for lab tests this morning and we then went down to our coffee shop on the town square. I did my usual people watching and had taken several images but none that excited me.

Then a couple of lovely young ladies walked in and went up to order their coffee. One of them noticed me taking photos but didn't seem to mind or think much of it. As they waited for their order, I noticed the sign on the counter that said "I could give up coffee....but I am not a quitter!" The owner was taking another order and I took a look through the viewfinder to see if I could finally get something that was different.

I took a couple of shots but I guess one of them felt under observation. As she began to turn her head, I was ready. Or so I thought.

I thought she was about to talk to her friend and I started to push the shutter. I was hoping to catch her profile as she and her friend talked but she continued to look further back. As the shutter clicked, she looked directly at me and the camera. It was an image I was hoping for.

I later spoke with her, gave her my business card and showed her the image. As is my usual, I offered to send her the digital file if she would just email me. I said I could send both a color and b&w file if she wanted both. She said she would prefer the b&w image over color.


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