From our 2006 trip to the UK, I got this image down in the Covent Garden area. This busker was entertaining visitors to the shopping area on a beautiful spring day in London. As I watched him go through his routine, I decided to go behind him and get a view of him entertaining the crowd that had gathered. As I got situated behind him, he spotted me with my camera, a Nikon D2H with a Nikkor 18-200mm DX zoom.

Turning around to face me, he then grabbed his jacket and made a "flasher" move as I snapped away and the onlookers laughed.

What I was surprised at later was my wife's image that she grabbed. She is the young lady in a white top standing just to left of center holding a Nikon D100 and taking a photo of me photographing the busker. Both images hand side by side in our home.


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