Back in 2017, I became very disappointed with the Fuji mirrorless cameras I was using. Both cameras had fixed focal length lenses which was a departure from the way I had photographed for over 40 years. While I did have a pair of fixed focal length lenses at the beginning, I quickly turned to using professional zoom lenses as I explored the possibilities of photography.

So, after four fairly disappointing years with Fuji, I bought a used Nikon D2H and a Nikkor 18-200mm DX zoom lens. I had used this type of setup for for both personal and paid work for several years and thought I would like to return to that style of shooting.

In the end, I found the setup too heavy for me in retirement and sold the camera and lens (for a profit!) shortly after purchasing it. This is one of the photos I took with the setup before I sold it and I made it part of my "PAIRS" effort that I worked on for several years.

What I like about this image is the contrast in clothing between the two subjects. The guy's clothing is loose and comfortable. The woman's is form-fitting and eye-catching. Additonally, he is in the shade and she is in the sun. And with his backpack and her big purse, they are further connected in my mind.

These days I still think about that camera/lens combination and the multitude of images I captured with that setup over the years. I used a pair of Nikon D2H bodies for over a decade before retirement and still view those cameras as some of the best Nikon ever developed.


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