I captured this candid portrait back in May 2000. It came about when I pitched an idea to my editor about following a local high school senior as she prepared for her senior prom. The young lady was someone I knew as I had first met her as a volleyball star. I got permission from her parents for the project and, suprisingly, from my editor.
This portrait happened as she was at a hair salon getting ready for the big event that night. I was standing at a distance shooting with my OM-4T and a Tokina ATX Pro 80-200mm f2.8 lens. She happen to look directly at me and I quickly hit the shutter button.
I have always like the look of this portrait as I find the eye contact to be genuine and also like that her face is partially obscured.
The film was Kodak Tri-X shot at ASA400 and developed in D-76 developer.
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