This image came about when I went to cover the local high school's pep rally for their homecoming football (American football) game. This group of girls came up with the idea to put the word "JUNIORS" on their stomach as part of the competition between classes.

I used my Nikon D2H along with a Tokina DX 4/12-24mm lens to grab the shot. The shot ran in the following Saturday edition of my newspaper and caused a little bit of a stir among parents. A number were upset that their "children" (Junior class usually contains 16 and 17-year olds) were allowed to "flash" so much skin on school grounds. I, personally, could not see their side of it. The girls probably wore much less when they went to the local beaches with parental approval.

I really like how the composition turned out for this image. Taken from a side rather than straight on adds several diagonals lines that, IMO, helps to move the eye through the image.


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