Captured in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 2004 with my still new Nikon D2H and Tokina 24-200mm f3.5-5.6 combo. I used this trip, along with two other trips to the UK, to gather material with the possibility of a book in mind. I shot street images with this camera setup and found both the camera to be outstanding for street shooting while the Tokina lens was lacking in sharpness. The Tokina lens would be replaced several months later with a Nikkor 18-200mm f3.5-5.6 lens that I really enjoyed using both professional (newspaper) and personal use.
This particular image I was trying to capture motion of a bunch of school kids but was hoping to catch at least one in focus. I took several images but this one stood out.
I obviously also panned slightly with the camera as can be seen by the blur in the stationary objects in the image. For me, it was just another lucky grab.
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