On our second trip to the UK in 2004, my wife and I were on the Edinburgh public transit after visiting the annual Christmas Market in Princes Gardens. After about three or four stops, I watched this young lady get on the bus and plopped down in the first available seat. It was obvious that she had been through a tough day.

But to make the image interesting, I needed something else in it. Considering it was night, I could see that it was a slightly long shutter speed (1/8 second) even at the D2H's highest ISO of 1600and an aperture of 5.6 for a little depth of field. At the next bus stop, I waited for passengers to get on and took two frames. I prefer this one overall as I get some motion from both a passenger and the driver's arm while the driver is reflected in the onboard mirror and the young lady remained sharp as she did not move.

The second image covered the same physical area but showed a couple in  motion as they head toward the rear of the bus. The one problem with the second image is a slightly higher shutter speed (1/10 second) which produced a slightly darker image than this one. As a result, trying to bring up the exposure in Photoshop resulted in a fair amount of noise in the moving couple that could not be processed out to my satisfaction.

Anyway, keep watching and keep on shooting!


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